Thursday, May 1, 2014

Treat everyone equally...

Anorexia is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height.
Persons with this disorder may have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. They may diet or exercise too much or use other ways to lose weight.

Today I was told that I looked Anorexic...
My heart sank and I really wanted to cry, but I held my composure and told this person that I eat and my weight was fine for my build and my doctor wasn't concerned about my weight...and she replied I know you eat...hahahaha.
Just because I am not overweight doesn't mean that I am not self conscious about my weight. TRUST ME...I WOULD LOVE TO GAIN WEIGHT, but I can't. I was so happy when I was pregnant and heard all the rumors...oh your going keep your baby weight...burrrrrnnnnnnnttttt...I lost it all and then some...I'm not bragging. I cried with my second pregnancy and the weight didn't stay on. 

As I write this I am eating a big plate of pasta (chili spaghetti) It's freaking amazing!!

Word to the Wise...think before you speak seriously...

Sometimes I feel like people think that just because people aren't overweight..that they can just say whatever they want..."go eat a cheeseburger" is just as hurtful as "your eating a cheeseburger"...but guess what your not going to tell an overweight person that are you?
Because its going to hurt their feelings!!!

Anyway I thought I would share with you what I ate today:
Yogurt and a cereal bar
strawberries, cucumbers, peppers 
Ultimate club from tropical smoothie and sun chips
 Grande very berry hibiscus from Starbucks
A nice big fat plate of chili spaghetti 
and for dessert an ice cream sandwich!!

Eating Disorders affect thousands of peoples lives. If you know someone that has an eating disorder or you think that they them seek out help. 
Treat everyone equally PLEASE!!
