Monday, April 7, 2014

6 steps to help you think positive

Today I can name about 10 people who posted about what a crappy mood they were either in or going to be in...wait for it...because it rained this morning!!

According to recent studies 70% to 80% of our thoughts everyday are negative. 

Here are 6 things that I do to overcome any negative thoughts...

1)) S M I L E...seriously it's that simple

2)) B R E A T some simple mediation or yoga I promise it works!! 

3)) L I S T E N...just take a moment to breath and listen to those around you.

4)) T H I N K...happy thoughts 

5)) R E A D...positive quotes...

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
6)) S I N G...(my favorite) I admit I'm not a very good singer, but it always makes me feel better to belt out some lyrics!! (I can give you my song choices...just let me know) 

And that concludes your Motivational Monday!! Hope it helps you get through your next negative thoughts!!

Happy positive thinking 
