Wednesday, January 4, 2017

365 cups of coffee

All great blog posts begin with...I am sitting on my couch in my pajamas drinking coffee...but not this goes nothing!
I am currently belting out "I will always love you" by the great Whitney...and enjoying being behind the computer screen. It's something about the clicking of the keys that just makes me so giddy inside and almost powerful in a sense.
Ok judge away I have not been on in quite sometime but, you know, there is this thing called life...yea you know whats coming next... it happens!!
 This blog post is going nowhere I'll get to the good stuff
Last year I blogged THREE TIMES...y'all seriously though wtf.... was I thinking...I love to blog, but like with many things it got put on the back, homework, dishes, laundry and work came first but, I need to allow time for my personal interests/passions!!
So with that said I will now bore you with my resolutions/plans from last year that I wanted to complete and then tell you what really happened.
Big goal
Finish something
Medium goal
Looking after myself physically and emotionally
Small goal
Improve my blogging
Well this is embarrassing....
Finish something...the only thing I finished was approximately 365 cups of coffee. Ok I'm only kidding. I did finish a couple great books (I just barely made the cut off for that) oh and I was in a small craft fair...So I finished those crafts!

Looking after myself physically and emotionally...Does drinking coffee and jamming out to music count? Oh and, countless nights of 5 hours of sleep... that definitely has to be great for me! I did start running...I ran just yesterday...for like .5 seconds! Emotionally...yea I blocked out a lot of shit this year!

Improve my blog...well we can see where that one went...enough said

With all these things that did not get done the way I had imagined...I will follow up with great things that did happen
1. I went camping
2. I went to the beach twice
3. I went hiking
4. I went to three concerts
5. I got my own apartment
6. I took a new position at work
7. I made more than 10 new recipes
8. I visited at least 5 or more new places
9. I painted a lot
10. I did hard things
Big goal
Write my own memoir and get it published by the end of the year
Medium goal
Do all things with love
Small goal
I hope that you all surround yourselves with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself.



  1. Welcome back! you sound like a pro! you are such an amazing person! I hope you achieve all your goals!

    1. That is my goal 100% Ashley thank you for always believing in me!!!!
