Monday, February 10, 2014

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On 11:08 am one of my long time friends Jordan texted me. Below is how the conversation went...(I am in blue and she is in silver)

 AND AS YOU CAN SEE I SAID YES!! omg...My best friend is getting married!!! 

Here is a little back story of our friendship of 20+ years...Jewelry (who I later found out her name was Jordan, but her family called her can see the mix up we met because of their families pet rabbit that was in a cage on the border of both of our and my brother would feed her rabbit leaves. (which I will never live down, because she swears that's what killed their rabbit.)

Well somehow or another we got passed that and....

Both of our families became the best of friends...and they treated me and my brother just like there own!! They were always taking us to the movies, swimming, softball games...we spent endless summers with each other playing spot light, and capture the flag...AND who can forget the time we went tubing in the creek and got in serious trouble!!

All of us have been through so much together and I am very proud to call them my second family. I sit here and type I'm thinking there is much more back story than I thought...but I will save that for another blog post!!

I have seen Jordan...blossom from a little girl, to a teenager, to now a mother who is about to change her name! I cant help but get all chocked up thinking about it!!

Thank you for asking me to be apart of your big day and I wouldn't have it any other way!!


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