Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday.

Happy Good Friday Y'all!!

Who can resist dying Easter eggs...not this chick!!

This year I decided to do something different..I don't know if you have seen the latest fad on pinterest...but you dye your Easter eggs using shaving cream and food coloring...

As much as my kids would have loved to do it the way everyone is saying to do...(its a bit messy) 
we still accomplished it...just with sandwich baggies.

They loved it just as all I did was put shaving cream in a sandwich baggies two different colors of neon food coloring (if you do more than two they mix and it just turns brown) The kids swirled that around and then placed the egg inside and swirled some more. (As you will notice there are only 3 eggs...I ate two of them for breakfast, and well John swirled a little to hard and broke one of be gentle, and below you will see what happened to the other one.)

I let them sit in the bags on the table and about an hour later, we rinsed one of the eggs off...the dye didn't we just threw that egg away...

I put them in the fridge to sit to see if that made a difference and 3 hours later we rinsed them and they came out great!! 

Not pictured is our Easter egg war...check my instagram feed here and check it out. That is my other instagram account that I talked about in this post

And...we ended our day with some yummy cookies...sorry we didn't save you any :)

I hope that everyone enjoys their Holiday Weekend, and I will posting some of my favorite spring pictures that you guys have been sending this post here to learn more!!


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