Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"If your a bird, I'm a bird"

This weeks challenge is inspired by The Notebook By: Nicholas Sparks...If you have no idea what I am talking about...click HERE. This will give you a summary of the best love story ever written (that's only my opinion)

Please do yourself a favor and get your hands on this book or movie, and read or watch until you the tears stream from your eyes...

ok...ok...back to this weeks challenge: 

This week I challenge you to write a note to someone!! It doesn't have to be anything fancy it can just be a Hi! how are you, and to keep it going I want you to tell them to do the same!!

My personal goal for this challenge is to write a note to someone that has changed or touched my life and let them know why and thank them :) I will be posting my note {or a blurb} and hopefully a response from that person or people, on the blog when it happens....

I'm dying to know who will your note be to? Please come back and let me know how it turned it out and to keep the inspiration going come share your ideas to #Simplelovechallenge

P.S. How many of you want to go watch The Notebook now? (your welcome)



  1. my favorite movie!!!!! great challenge

  2. Great thanks, now I need to watch it...again

    1. You are so welcome!!! You know you wanted to ;)
