Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm not going to lie...

This weeks challenge was to meet 1 new person. My own personal goal was to meet one new person everyday for a week. With all the snow that we had here in RVA, I was able to meet 4 new people!! Along with meeting one new person each day, I got them to tell me one interesting fact about themselves...and you wouldn't believe how hard this was for them to answer!! Below are the people that I met and their interesting facts...

*Dr.Christopher Ayres- He lives right around the corner from me and he likes "Thai Diner"

*Shanita- She learned to crochet from watching youtube videos

*Lisa- She was a Baton twirler

*Casey- She was a Competitive Olympic gymnast 

As fun as it was meeting new people, I'm not going to lie I was so nervous...I see myself as a rather outgoing person who isn't really bothered by new situations, but I think going out of my way to meet someone made the whole experience different from just your standard "Hi, have a great day!!" 

The new people that I met were super nice and said my challenge was something that they thought they could never do, but they said that they wanted to try it and if our paths ever crossed again they were going to let me know if they were successful!! How cool is that...I hope that I can always make an impact on people!!

So now its your turn...How many people did you meet this week? and what did you learn from this challenge? Leave your answers in the comments below!!

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