Monday, March 17, 2014

Motivational Monday.

My heart is breaks are jumping...and I'm cursing every curse word there is...and screaming please DON'T hit me....the car behind me swerves and misses me...and finally my car stops...and there is a peace that comes over me...

Oh my god...I can't believe what I see in front of me...there has been a terrible accident...on the bridge two cars are on top of one another...and I am thinking...that could have been me...I don't know how they didn't go off the bridge, but they didn't and that's all that matters.

I look back and make sure my son is OK and that my panic didn't freak him out...Thankfully he was back there, just hanging out watching "Yo Gabba Gabba" on his DVD player...

For the next hour we sat on the bridge...I reflected back on my life and asked myself..."Did you live today the way you wanted too?"

Today's Motivational Monday is all about living for today, because you don't know what tomorrow brings!!



  1. An angel watches over you and keeps you safe. Glad you and B are ok. Prayers to those in the accident

  2. You are so shwweetttt Kelly!!! Thank you so much 😘
