Monday, April 28, 2014


This is a personal favorite for me.

As some of you may know I have a life story...I think everyone does.

A personal goal in life was to share my story with the world.

On my 30th birthday I finally shared my story with everyone (well with Facebook).  
My ultimate goal in life is to write a children's book about my story and inspire other children who have bad upbringings like mine to NEVER GIVE UP.

(in a nutshell)

Last Sunday...I told Pinterest my story, and how I use my blog and my pinterest boards Motivational Monday Love and Word Love to try and inspire people.
I am still waiting to see if they choose my story to tell to the world, and if I ever hear back from them I will let you all know. 

Until then. I will continue to try and inspire at least one person everyday to live their life to the fullest, and NEVER GIVE UP! 

If I survived so can you!
